I discovered Julia Cameron's, The Artist's Way in 2000, and I was obsessed with morning pages. It's an excellent book. Thanks for all the gratitude posts.
Thanks so much for the shout-out. When you decide on a word, send me a DM with your mailing address and your word, and I'll send you a word of the year card. I also think that if drawing makes you happy no matter how it looks in the end, do it! Hope your day is awesome!
I discovered Julia Cameron's, The Artist's Way in 2000, and I was obsessed with morning pages. It's an excellent book. Thanks for all the gratitude posts.
Thanks so much for the shout-out. When you decide on a word, send me a DM with your mailing address and your word, and I'll send you a word of the year card. I also think that if drawing makes you happy no matter how it looks in the end, do it! Hope your day is awesome!
Thank you Bess for all your daily encouragement 🙏 I've got to sit still while Shade is asleep to figure out my word.
It may be "stillness"... 😂
I highly recommend "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain", when I learnt to draw, took my drawing from kind of crap to the point where it was pretty good, https://www.amazon.co.uk/Drawing-Right-Side-Brain-Creativity/dp/0285641778/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=1TOFQITPI8CSN&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.mSY7t2IsX4DKeME2mj8IDs3HUZRrWdDXKaFKW_GtkSn7yK2Daf6hMPi0y1EJzOJFhiqXeUGcs24c0P5ZMX_i7HNlhaUklUDqxdwHyF3be1t3kUfoUVkSLKPN2ci-iqRXKzSzJKbdgpju4VagQ_nov7NbPM5iKKvSWG4MDt_Vku4pyZZH1bkVV4Uk959fWf2Z_nMRyhrMcQQ9y8WdDbEydA.hCnBTJhksZyFCIls_ZXd4D-3r6n6uwSxxfKL2G2TR1Y&dib_tag=se&keywords=drawing+on+the+right+side+of+the+brain&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1734599367&sprefix=drawing+on+the%2Caps%2C268&sr=8-1
Oh Jack
Thank you for the recommendation it looks like a great book 📖
Yeah it took my drawing to the next level when I got stuck, I don't draw so much anymore sadly, but still remember this book being great